Unexpected Find: Bananaless Banana Cream Pie

The discovery was made at The Comet Cafe in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The establishment offers sweet and savory options for a stuffed-to-the-brim brunch, and I had to make a concerted attempt to leave room for dessert. In this instance, the pie selection proved to be too tempting, and I ordered a slice of banana cream pie to go. It was a hefty helping, and the to-go container sagged slightly from the weight of the decadent dessert.

I was finally ready to try the treat, and opened the cardboard container quickly in anticipation of the lovely sweetness contained within. Little did I expect to be disappointed…and unfortunately I was. I could only find one measly slice of banana amongst the piles of vanilla pudding and whipped cream. Though both were great, I had not purchased a banana cream pie to consume vast quantities of either of these without layers of banana to help break-up the dense, heavy filling.

This post offers a word of caution when pursuing the perfect banana cream pie. If the featured fruit is not visible, you may be in for an unwanted surprise.

Until next time,